Organization n Structure

Organization and Structure

The structure of the Aam Aadmi Party shall comprise of the following 5 levels of organisation:-

1. Primary
2. Block
3. District
4. State
5. National

The 5 levels of the party organisation shall comprise of the following sub-divisions:-
i. Primary Level
● Primary Unit

ii. Block Level
● Block Council

iii. District Level
● District Council
● District Executive
● District Political Affairs Committee

iv. State Level
● State Council
● State Executive
● State Political Affairs Committee

v. National Level
● National Council
● National Executive
● National Political Affairs Committee

The area of a Primary Unit shall be defined as per clause B below. The area of a Block Unit and District Unit shall ordinarily be the same as that of an Administrative Block or District in a State. The area of State Units of the Party shall conform to the States and Union Territories mentioned in the Constitution of India.

a) The Primary Unit will be constituted at:-
i. Ward Level in a Municipality (Ward Sabha);
ii. Village Level (Gram Sabha); and
iii. Each college or equivalent Higher Education Institutions (Chaatra Sabha) and shall comprise of all the ordinary and active members of that unit. However, a Primary Unit shall not be formed unless there are at least 10 Active members in that Unit.

b) Powers and Functions of the Primary Unit
The Primary Unit shall be the general body of all the ordinary and Active members of that Unit. It shall:-
i. deliberate and decide on any issue or action program to further the objective of the Aam Aadmi Party including electoral participation, struggles, opinion making and/or other constructive actions;
ii. recommend applications for Active Members;
iii. elect 1 Coordinator and 1 Co-Coordinator (out of which at least one shall be a woman) by consensus, failing which by voting in the presence of a representative of the District Executive.
iv. Coordinator and Co-coordinator shall be available for the Party work on regular basis.
v. form such teams as required and assign them such work as deemed fit.
vi. perform such tasks as assigned to it from time to time by the Party.

a) Block Council
i. A Block Council shall be constituted at the Level of a Block
ii. Coordinators of all Primary Units falling in a Block shall together constitute the Block Council.

b) Powers and Functions of the Block Council
i. A Block Council shall organize and coordinate the activities at the Block Level and shall raise public issues affecting more than one Primary unit in that Block.
ii. A Block Council shall exercise such powers and discharge such other functions as are assigned to it by the Aam Aadmi Party.
iii. The members of a Block Council shall elect from amongst themselves or from amongst Active Members in that Block, one Coordinator and one Co-Coordinator (out of which at least one shall be a woman) by consensus, failing which by voting in the presence of a representative of the District Executive.
iv. The Block Council may form such teams as may be required for its activities and the discharge of its functions.
v. Coordinator and Co-coordinator shall be available for the Party work on regular basis.

a) District Council
Each District Council shall comprise of the Coordinators and Co-Coordinators from all Primary Units and Blocks falling in that District.

Powers and Functions of the District Council:-
i. The District Council will elect the District Executive.
ii. The District Council shall have the powers to recall the District Coordinator and/or the members of the District Executive.

b) District Executive
Each District Executive shall organize and coordinate the activities of the Party at the District Level.

i. The District Executive shall comprise of not more than 25 members selected by consensus from amongst the Active members in that District, failing which elected by a majority vote in the presence of a representative of the State Executive, of whom at least 5 shall be women and 5 shall be students.
ii. If the Coordinator of any Unit is elected to the District Executive, he/she shall resign as the Coordinator of the concerned Unit.
iii. In addition, the District Executive will have one representative from each block of the District as decided by that Block Council.
iv. If the Coordinator of a Primary/Block Unit is elected to the District Executive, he/she shall resign as the Coordinator of the concerned Primary/Block Unit.
v. The District Executive may co-opt upto 5 members in order to give fair representation to disadvantaged social groups, such as SC, ST, Backward Classes and Minorities. If the co-opted members are not already Active members of the Party, they shall be deemed to be Active Members of the Party as soon as they are co-opted and shall have all the rights of elected members of the Executive.
vi. The District Executive may, through consensus, invite anyone from within or outside the Party to attend its meetings as a ‘Special Invitee’ for one or more meetings. However, Special Invitees shall not enjoy any voting rights.
vii. The members referred to in sub-clause (i) above shall elect one person from amongst themselves as the District Coordinator.
viii. All elected members of the District Executive shall be available for the Party work on regular basis.

Powers and Functions of District Executive
The District Executive shall:
i. form as many teams as are required to carry out the objectives of the Party.
ii. monitor and supervise the activities of Party functionaries in that District.
iii. undertake all such activities as are needed to meet the objectives of the Party in that District.
iv. undertake activities related to public issues affecting that District.
v. maintain the Register of Active Members of the Party of that District.
vi. maintain and keep accounts of District Level Finances
vii. form District Level Committees for settling internal disputes, grievances and disciplinary actions.
viii. set up the first District Level Lokpal to receive and decide complaints of violation of Code of Conduct against members of the District Executive, Block/Primary Level Coordinators and Co-coordinators.
ix. elect a District Political Affairs Committee consisting of 5 members from amongst elected members of the District Executive.

c) District Political Affairs Committee
The District Coordinator shall consult District Political Affairs Committee in every decision.

a) State Council
Each State Council shall comprise of the Coordinators from all Districts and Blocks falling in that State.

b) Functions and Powers of the State Council:-
i. The State Council will elect the State Executive.
ii. The State Council shall have the power to recall the State Coordinator and/or the members of the State Executive.
iii. It shall meet at least twice every year.
iv. It will decide the stand and policy of the Party on issues concerning that state in such manner as may be prescribed.

c) State Executive
Each State Executive shall organize and coordinate the activities of the Party at the State Level.
Composition of the State Executive
i. The State Executive shall comprise of not more than 25 members selected by consensus from amongst the Active members in that State failing which elected by a majority vote in the presence of a representative of the National Executive, of whom at least 5 shall be women and 5 shall be students.
ii. In addition, the State Executive will have one representative from each District as decided by that District Executive.
iii. If the Coordinator of any Unit is elected to the State Executive, he/she shall resign as the Coordinator of the concerned District.
iv. The State Executive may co-opt up to 5 members in order to give fair representation to disadvantaged social groups, such as SC, ST, Back-Ward Classes and Minorities. If the co-opted members are not already Active members of the Party, they shall be deemed to be Active Members of the Party as soon as they are co-opted and shall have all the rights of elected members of the Executive.
v. The State Executive may, through consensus, invite anyone from within or outside the Party to attend its meetings as a ‘Special Invitee’ for one or more meetings. However, Special Invitees shall not enjoy any voting rights.
vi. The members referred to in sub-clause (i) above shall elect one person from amongst themselves as the State Coordinator.
vii. All elected members of the State Executive shall be available for the Party work on regular basis.

d) Functions and Powers of State Executive
The State Executive shall:-
i. form as many teams as are required to carry out the objectives of the Party.
ii. monitor and supervise the activities of Party functionaries in that State.
iii. undertake all such activities as are needed to meet the objectives of the Party in that State.
iv. undertake various activities related to public issues affecting that State.
v. maintain and keep accounts of State Level Finances.
vi. form State Level Committees for settling internal disputes, grievances and disciplinary actions.
vii. set up the first State Level Lokpal to receive and decide complaints of violation of Code of Conduct against members of the State Executive.
viii. elect a State Political Affairs Committee consisting of 7 members from amongst elected members of the State Executive.

e) State Political Affairs Committee
The State Coordinator shall consult State Political Affairs Committee in every decision.

a) National Council
The National Council shall be the highest policy making body of the Party. The National Council shall comprise of the Coordinators from all the States and Districts. In addition, It may co-opt 50 members from amongst the following:-
i. experts from such fields as the National Council deems fit.
ii. eminent people from the country
iii. members from disadvantaged social groups, such as SC, ST, Backward Classes and Minorities if there is inadequate representation of such groups.

b) Functions and Powers of the National Council
The National Council shall:-
i. elect the National Executive.
ii. have the powers to recall the National Coordinator and/or the members of the National Executive.
iii. have the power to amend the Constitution.
iv. meet at least twice every year.
v. decide the stand and policy of the Party on issues of National interest in such manner as may be prescribed.

c) National Executive
The National Executive would be the highest executive body of the Party. It shall organize and coordinate the activities of the party at the National Level.
i. The National Executive shall comprise of not more than 30 members selected by consensus from amongst the Active members of the party failing which elected by a majority vote, of whom at least 7 shall be women and 5 shall be students.
ii. In addition, the National Executive will have one representative from each State as decided by that State Executive.
iii. If the Coordinator of any Unit is elected to the National Executive, he/she shall resign as the Coordinator of the concerned Unit.
iv. The National Executive may co-opt upto 5 members in order to give fair representation to disadvantaged social groups, such as SC, ST, Back-Ward Classes and Minorities. If the co-opted members are not already Active members of the Party, they shall be deemed to be Active Members of the Party as soon as they are co-opted and shall have all the rights of elected members of the Executive.
v. The National Executive may, through consensus, invite anyone from within or outside the Party to attend its meetings as a ‘Special Invitee’ for one or more meetings. However, Special Invitees shall not enjoy any voting rights.
vi. The members referred to in sub-clause (i) above shall elect one person from amongst themselves as the National Coordinator.
vii. All elected members of the National Executive shall be available for the Party work on regular basis.

d) Powers and Functions of the National Executive
The National Executive shall:-
i. form as many teams as are required to carry out the objectives of the Party.
ii. monitor and supervise the activities of Party functionaries at various levels in the country.
iii. undertake all such activities as are needed to meet the objectives of the Party in the country.
iv. undertake various activities related to public issues.
v. maintain and keep accounts of National Level Finances.
vi. form National Level Committees for settling internal disputes, grievances and disciplinary actions.
vii. set up the first National Level Lokpal to receive and decide complaints of violation of Code of Conduct against National Executive members.
viii. elect a National Political Affairs Committee consisting of 7 members from amongst elected members of the State Executive.

e) National Political Affairs Committee
The National Coordinator shall consult National Political Affairs Committee in every decision.

For all towns and cities governed by Municipal laws, Council/Executive shall be formed at following Levels:-

A. Ward Level
(i) Ward Level in any Municipality shall be equivalent to the Primary Level mentioned in clause b) stated above. The Sabha shall be formed in a similar manner and they shall work similarly.
(ii.) If any Municipality is smaller than an Assembly, then only Ward Level units (Ward Sabha) shall be constituted in that Municipality.

B. Assembly Level
(i.) If there are one or more assemblies in any Municipality, then Assembly Level Council/Executive shall be formed in that Municipality. Assembly Level in any Municipality shall be equivalent to the District Level mentioned at clause D of Article IV above. Council/Executive shall be formed in a similar fashion and they shall work similarly.
(ii.) If any Municipality is smaller than a Parliamentary constituency, then only Ward Level units and Assembly Level Units shall be constituted in that Municipality.

C. Parliamentary Level
(i.) If there are one or more Parliamentary constituencies in any Municipality, then Parliamentary Level Council/Executive shall be formed in that Municipality. Parliamentary Level Council/Executive shall be formed in similar manner as District Council/Executive and they shall work similarly.
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