Rising Prices

Rising Prices

Today the common man is unable to afford even the basic commodities due to high prices. Government has deliberately inflated rates of many commodities just to ensure that corporate giants make more profit. This is direct corruption. Aam Aadmi party feels that the price of critical commodities should be determined with people’s consent.

The price of petrol, diesel, LPG and gas cylinders can be reduced immediately. On one hand, the government has provided relief to big wealthy company’s worth Rs 13 lakh crore in the last 3 years and on the other hand it is extracting Rs 2 lakh crore each year from the common man by taxing his diesel and petrol. Is this good governance? Tax relief for the wealthy and sucking the common man’s blood. This should stop immediately. If tax of Rs 13 lakh crore is collected from these companies and Rs 2 lakh crore taxes on common man is waived off, petrol can be priced at Rs 50 and diesel at Rs 40. The need for rationing gas cylinders will not be needed. People will be able to use any number of cylinders at Rs 350.
India has given away 1250 sq kms of oil fields in Rajasthan to foreign companies at very low prices. These companies extract oil at $3/barrel and in turn sell it to the government at $100/barrel. These oil-wells belong to us, the people of India. Why doesn’t the government extract that oil itself directly? What is the justification of conferring windfall gains on foreign companies? If these wells are taken back from the foreign companies and provide its benefit directly to the people, oil and gas prices can be reduced even more.
The Government of Delhi and NCR, in a nexus with electric companies has increased electricity rates by 100%. BJP chooses to keep shut on this. Both Congress and BJP are in a pact with the electricity companies. Electricity companies are making huge profits by sucking common man’s blood. Electricity rates can be reduced drastically. Rates of electricity need to be reduced in other parts of India as well where electricity has been privatized.
In Delhi and other parts of India, current governments are planning the privatization of water supply. This will result in making even water supply very expensive. Water supply rates have to be reduced drastically in such areas.
If petrol, diesel, gas, electricity and water rates are reduced, other commodities will naturally become cheaper. A system will be put in place by which, people’s consent is necessary for future pricing of such critical commodities.
The government has started dabbling in speculation and futures trading on all commodities. Rice, wheat, pulses, all commodities are being gambled upon, which is one of the primary reasons behind price rise. This speculation shall cease.
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